9月14日,Martin Heinberg(英国利兹大学副教授)
发布时间:2023-09-12 发布人:fyy 点击数:6934



主讲人Martin Heinberg(英国利兹大学副教授)




演讲主题:“Disentangling the effect of brand innovation supply and demand解析品牌创新供给和需求效应


主讲人简介Martin Heinberg教授是英国利兹大学商学院营销系博士生项目负责人,国际商务学会(AIBSustainability SIG 组织者。研究兴趣为国际营销和国际商务,研究成果发表在Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Journal of Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of International Marketing (JIM)等国际营销和国际商务的顶级期刊杂志,曾负责组织国际商务学会 (Academy of International Business, AIB)博士生论坛,掌握德语、英语和汉语,获得诸多专业奖项和荣誉。


内容简介The literature on the innovation fit firm performance relationship is limited by several constraints. Importantly, there is disagreement in the literature if fit or misfit between supply and demand of brand innovation enhance brand performance, pointing to the need of analysing moderators to the relationship.


We build a conceptual model where the effect of fit between actual brand innovation supply, perceived brand innovation supply, and brand innovation demand relates to brand image, which in turn has positive effects on WOM and brand purchases. Moreover, we explore several moderators that shape the effect of brand innovation fit. The model is tested relying on a multilevel response surface approach with data collected from brand managers and consumers over three waves.


Findings show that fit between perceived brand innovation supply and brand innovation demand increases brand image and in turn WOM and brand purchases, but fit between actual brand innovation supply and innovation supply is less relevant. Moreover, several brand and consumer level moderators constitute boundary conditions to the effect of brand innovation fit.


