电子邮件:xieyi@uibe.edu.cn ; xieyipku@139.com
2004-09~2010-07 北京大学光华管理学院市场营销系,企业管理博士学位
2008-08~2009-08 美国密歇根大学罗斯商学院,市场营销系,联合培养博士
2004-01~2004-06 香港理工大学,交换学生
2000-09~2004-07 南开大学国际商学院,企业管理学学士学位
2010-08~至今 对外经贸大学国际商学院市场营销系
2018-09-2019-09 香港中文大学 访问学者
2012-07-2012-08 美国哥伦比亚大学 访问学者
2010-01-2010-02 瑞士纳沙泰尔大学 访问学者
1. 项目主持人,顾客隐私泄露丑闻对消费者行为的影响及企业的应对策略研究:基于隐私悖论的视角,2020-2023,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目号:71972038,在研)
2. 项目主持人,负面公司联想事件与企业应对策略的影响机制和边界条件:多渠道背景下的双重视角研究,2015-2018,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:71472045,已结项)
3. 项目主持人,公司品牌联想对消费者品牌选择决策的影响,2012/07-2012/08,国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目基金(项目编号:71210107018,已结项)
4. 项目主持人,三类公司品牌联想对产品评价的影响机制研究:品牌关系的视角,2012-2014,国家自然科学基金青年项目基金(项目编号:71102081,已结项)
5. 项目主持人,公司顾客联想的概念化、量表开发以及影响作用研究,2010-2012,对外经济贸易大学青年项目基金(项目编号:10QD11)(已结项)
6. 主要参与者,社交媒体品牌发文的消费者契合研究(2018-2021,教育部人文社科研究项目)
7. 主要参与者,“地球人”兼“当地人”:消费者全球当地导向对文化杂合产品评价的影响(2015-2018,国家自然科学基金面上项目,已结项)
8. 主要参与者,群体性服务失败与补救研究:竞争性理论建构和实证检验(2013-2016,国家自然科学基金面上项目,已结项)。
9. 主要参与者,What Level of Marketing Adaptation for Luxury Products in China- The Case of Swiss Watches, 2011-2012, Swiss National Science Foundation(已结项)
10. 主要参与者,消费者对品牌“民族性战略”的态度及其影响因素:一项基于文化取向品牌观的实证研究,2010-2012,国家自然科学基金面上项目(已结项)
11. 主要参与者,中国品牌的消费者-品牌关系:维度、类型与强化机制,2006-2008,国家自然科学基金面上项目(已结项)
1. Daniel P. Hampson, Siyang Gong and Yi Xie (2021), “How Consumer Confidence Affects Price Conscious Behavior: The Roles of Financial Vulnerability and Locus of Control,” Journal of Business Research (SSCI), forthcoming.
2. Xie, Yi, Siqing Peng and Daniel P. Hampson (2020), “Brand User Imagery Clarity (BUIC): Conceptualization, Measurement, and Consequences,” Journal of Brand Management (SSCI), 27, 662-678.
3. Xie, Yi, Ke Chen and Xiaoling Guo (2020), “Online Anthropomorphism and Consumers’ Privacy Concern: Moderating Roles of Need for Interaction, and Social Exclusion,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (SSCI), 55 (July), 102-119.
4. Xie, Yi and Xiaoying Zheng (2020), “How Does Corporate Learning Orientation Enhance Industrial Brand Equity? The Roles of Firm Capabilities and Size,” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (SSCI, Q3), 35(2), 231-243.
5. Jeffrey R. Parker, Donald R. Lehmann, and Yi Xie (2016), “Decision Comfort”, Journal of Consumer Research (SSCI, 国际A, UTD24/FT50), 43 (1): 113-133.
6. Xie, Yi and Hean Tat Keh (2016), “Taming the Blame Game: Using Promotion Programs to Counter Product-Harm Crises,” Journal of Advertising (SSCI), 45(2): 1-16.
7. Xie, Yi, Rajeev Batra and Siqing Peng (2015), “An Extended Model of Preference Formation between Global and Local Brands: The Roles of Identity Expressiveness, Trust, and Affect”, Journal of International Marketing (SSCI), 23(1): 50-71.
8. Xie, Yi (2014), “The Effects of Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility on Winning Customer Support: An Integrative Examination of the Roles of Satisfaction, Trust and Identification”, Global Economic Review (SSCI), 43(1): 73-92.
9. Xie, Yi and Siqing Peng (2011), “How Corporate Associations Influence Customer Relationship Strength? —- The Effects of Different Types of Trust,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 19(5): 443-454.
10. Xie, Yi and Siqing Peng (2010), “The Effects of Two Kinds of Corporate Publicities on Customer-Brand Relationship,” Frontiers of Business Research in China, 4(1), 73-100. (originally published in Nankai Management Review (in Chinese), 1, 71-83).
11. Xie, Yi and Siqing Peng (2009), “How to Repair Customer Trust after Negative Publicity: The Effects of Competence, Benevolence, Integrity and Forgiveness,” Psychology & Marketing (SSCI), 26(7): 572-589.
12. Keh, Hean Tat and Yi Xie (2009), “Corporate Reputation and Customer Behavioral Intentions: The Roles of Trust, Identification and Commitment,” Industrial Marketing Management (SSCI), 38(7): 732-742. (Lead Article).
13. 童泽林,冯竞丹,冯文婷,谢毅等(2020),企业家慈善行为曝光度对提升消费者企业评价的机理研究:中庸文化视角,南开管理评论,23(4):4-11.
14. 谢毅,高充彦,童泽林(2020),消费者隐私关注的研究述评与展望,外国经济与管理,42(6),111-125.
15. 郭晓凌,谢毅,王彬,高赟(2019),文化混搭产品的消费者反应研究,管理科学,4:130-144.
16. 禹杭,谢毅*(通讯作者),陈香兰(2018),视觉营销眼动研究:回顾与展望,《外国经济与管理》,40(12):1-12.
17. 郑晓莹,谢毅,彭泗清(2018),协同还是拮抗?——消费者感知的企业产品能力与宣传能力对品牌资产的交互影响 ,《社会科学辑刊》,4:171-180.
18. 谢毅,彭泗清(2014),品牌信任和品牌情感对口碑传播的影响:态度和态度不确定性的作用,《管理评论》,26(2):22-32.
19. 谢毅,彭泗清(2014),善用顾客联想,《中欧商业评论》,2:52-55。
20. 谢毅,彭璐珞,彭泗清(2013),企业社会责任对顾客忠诚度的影响机制研究:消费者-品牌关系的视角,《华东经济管理》,27(2):87-93.
21. 谢毅,张红霞(2013),网络体验和个人特征对网络服务满意度的影响:一项基于青少年网络游戏行为的实证研究,《经济与管理研究》,3:111-120.
22. 谢毅,彭泗清(2013),公司顾客联想的前因后果:一项探索性研究,《管理学报》,10(1),130-139.
23. 谢毅(2012),多渠道服务管理研究述评,《外国经济与管理》,34(1):71-78,2012.
24. 谢毅,彭泗清(2012),品牌个性对品牌态度和购买意向的影响研究:中外品牌的跨行业比较,《管理评论》,24(12):84-92.
25. 谢毅,彭泗清(2009),品牌信任对消费者-品牌关系的影响:维度层面的分析,《营销科学学报》,5(3):1-12.
26. 谢毅,彭泗清(2009),两类企业公开信息及其交互作用对消费者品牌关系的影响,《南开管理评论》,12(1):71-83.
27. 张红霞,谢毅(2008),基于动机过程的青少年网络游戏行为意向研究,《心理学报》,40(12):1275-1286.
28. 谢毅,彭泗清(2008),消费者-品牌关系的探索性研究,《商业研究》,1:1-9。
29. 谢毅,郭贤达(2007),公司声誉、对员工的信任和顾客认同对购买意向的影响研究,《营销科学学报》,3(1):1-12.
30. 郭贤达,陈荣,谢毅(2006),如何在服务失败后仍然得到顾客的拥护—感知公平、顾客满意、情感承诺对行为意向的影响,《营销科学学报》,2(3):74-85.
1. Xie, Yi (2014), “Do Consumers Feel Better about Themselves through Participating in CSR Programs? 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Singapore, July, 2014.
2. Xie, Yi and Ke Chen (2013), “When the Online Social Presence is Undesirable? The Effects of Online Anthropomorphism, Need for Interaction and Social Exclusion on Consumers’ Privacy Concern,” 2013 EACR Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2013.
3. Xie, Yi, Rajeev Batra and Siqing Peng (2012), “Why Global Brands Are Preferred? —-The Effects of Ability of Identity Expression, Trust and Affect,” 2012 AMA Marketing Educators’ Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, U.S., February 2012.
4. Xie, Yi, Xiaoying Zheng and Siqing Peng (2011), “The Impact of Marketing Capability on Customer Responses: A Customer-Based Brand Equity Perspective,” 2011 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Houston, U.S., June 2011.
5. Ji, Wenbo and Xie Yi (2011), “The Impact of Lay Theories on Scandal Spillover across Brands with Different Countries of Origin”, 2011 EMAC Annual Conference, Slovenia, May, 2011.
6. Xie, Yi and Siqing Peng (2011) “The Conceptualization, Measurement and Effects of Corporate Customer Associations”, 2011 AMA Marketing Educators’ Winter Conference, Austin, U.S., February 2011.
7. Xie, Yi and Siqing Peng (2010), “How Corporate Associations Influence Customer Relationship Strength? —-The Effects of Different Types of Trust”, 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 2010.
8. Xie,Yi and Siqing Peng (2008),“How to Repair Customer Trust after Negative Publicity”, 2008 Global Marketing Conference Proceedings, Shanghai, China, 20-24, March 2008.
2010/06, 牛津大学公司声誉中心颁发的2009年度最佳发表论文奖第二名(The Runner up of The Best Published Paper by the Corporate Reputation Center of Oxford University)
2008/03,最佳论文奖(Best Conference Paper Award),2008 Global Marketing Conference
评审专家:Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, 心理学报,南开管理评论,营销科学学报,管理评论,国家自然科学基金委通讯评审等