


教育背景: 哲学博士香港理工大学商学院,中国香港
论文题目:Evaluating Flexible Capacity Strategy under Demand Uncertainty
论文题目:Advanced passenger information system: modelling and optimization

工作经历: 2018.12 —至今 教授,对外经济贸易大学商学院
2014.1 —2018.12 副教授,对外经济贸易大学商学院
2011.7 —2013.12 讲师, 对外经济贸易大学商学院.
2009.11—2011.8Research Associate,香港理工大学商学院。
2006.6 —2006.9 Research Assistant,香港理工大学建设及地政学院。
2004.1 —2004.9 Research Assistant, 香港理工大学建设及地政学院。

教授课程: 本科生课程:《管理学原理》、《供应链管理》、《物流管理》、《管理定量方法》
硕博课程(含MBA):《Operations Management》

研究领域: 供应链管理运营管理运营管理与市场营销交叉领域,交通工程管理

主要研究项目: 1. 1. 2021.1.1-2025.12.31 国家自然科学基金面上项目《电商“顾客直连制造”(customer to manufacturer, 电商C2M)模式供应链决策——基于博弈模型的研究》,主持人,项目号:72171051。
2. 2020.1.8-2022.12.31 对外经济贸易大学校级创新团队,《新零售背景下供应链双渠道协同创新研究团队》,主持人,项目号:CXTD1104。
3. 2016.1-2019.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于信息更新的需求不确定环境下的供应链柔性策略研究》,主持人,项目号:71571043。
4. 2014.1-2016.12 对外经济贸易大学优秀青年项目,《供应链制造柔性如何应对环境变化的研究》,主持人,项目号:14YQ04。
5. 2013.1-2015.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于市场结构的竞争环境中供应链制造柔性的协调运作研究》,主持人,项目号:71201028。
6. 2012.10-2015.9 香港政府公共政策研究项目《A Time-dependent Dynamic Tariff System in an Electricity Retail Market with CO2 Emissions Control》,Co - Investigator,项目号:PolyU5012-PPR-12。
7. 2012.1-2012.12 对外经济贸易大学新近青年教师科研启动项目《需求不确定性下的弹性生产力》,主持人,项目号:11QD05。

主要研究成果: 期刊发表
1. Mingyao Sun, Chi To Ng, Liu Yang*, Tianhua Zhang, 2023. Optimal after-sales service offering strategy: Additive manufacturing, traditional manufacturing, or hybrid? International Journal of Production Economics,online published.
2. Yongling Gao, Liu Yang*, Yan Liu, 2023. Analysing barriers to the adoption of electric freight vehicles in China: perspectives from industry stakeholders, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, forthcoming.
3. Liu Yang, Yaodong Ni*, Chi To Ng, 2023. Blockchain Enabled Traceability and Producer’s Incentive to Outsource Delivery, International Journal of Production Research, 61, 3811-3828.
4. Liu Yang, Chi To Ng, Vikas Kumar, Xuefeng Shao, Yi Li, 2023. Knowledge Management: High Quality Production Decisions in Partial Volume Flexibility to create Value for Customers. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, online published.
5. Chen Rongda, Ze Wang, Liu Yang*, Chi To Ng and T.C.E. Cheng, 2022. A Study on Operational Risk and Credit Portfolio Risk Estimation Using Data Analytics, Decision Sciences, 53(1), 84-123.
6. Yang Liu, Zheng Yuanyuan, Fan Jiasi, Shaozeng Dong*, 2022. Online Pricing Strategy with Considering Consumers’ Fairness Concerns. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 39(1), 2140032.
7. Dong Shao-Zeng, Liu Yang, Bin Ding*, Chia-Huei Wu, Xue-Feng Shao, 2022. Pricing strategy with customers’ privacy concerns in Smart-X systems, Enterprise Information Systems, 16(3), 445-471.
8. Yang L., Yuan-Yuan Zheng, Chia-Huei Wu, Shao-Zeng Dong, Xue-Feng Shao and Wei Liu*, 2022. Deciding online and offline sales strategies when service industry customers express fairness concerns, Enterprise Information Systems, 16(3), 427-444.
9. Leinan Zhang, Wei Yang, Liu Yang*, Lingyu Gao, 2022. How does the value co-creation of e-commerce platform and manufacturers affect channel performance? The moderating role of innovation capability and market turbulence. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 52, 101120.
10. Leinan Zhang, Qingyan Zeng, Liu Yang, Yan Han, Yixin X, 2022. Can Psychological Contracts Decrease Opportunistic Behaviors? Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 911389.
11. Meng Yang, Yaodong Ni*, Liu Yang, 2021. A Multi-Objective Consistent Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problem in an Uncertain Environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160: 107560, October, 2021.
12. Shaozeng Dong, Liu Yang, Xuefeng Shao*, Yifan Zhong, Yi Li, Ping Qiao, 2021. How can channel information strategy promote sales by combining ICT and blockchain? Evidence from the agricultural sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 299, 2021,126857.
13. Dong C., L. Yang and C.T. Ng*, 2020. Quantity Leadership for a Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Retail Service. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 37(2), 2050005, 1-32.
14. Yang L*. and S. Dong, 2018. Rebate strategy to stimulate online customer reviews. International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 99-107.
15. Wang Jian-cai, L. Yang, Y.Y. Wang* and Z.H. Wang, 2018. Optimal pricing contracts and level of information asymmetry in a supply chain. International Transactions in Operational Research, 25(5), 1583-1610.
16. Yang L.* and S. Dong, 2017. Sustainable product strategy in apparel industry with consumer behavior consideration. Sustainability, 9 (6), 920.
17. Yang L., C.T., Ng* and Y. Ni, 2017. Flexible capacity strategy in an asymmetric oligopoly market with competition and demand uncertainty. Naval Research Logistics, 64(2), 117-138.
18. Shao J., H. Yang*, X. Xing and L. Yang, 2016. E-commerce and traffic congestion: An economic and policy analysis. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 83, 91-103.
19. Dong C., B. Shen*,P.S. Chow, L. Yang and C.T. Ng,2016. Sustainability investment under cap-and-trade regulation. Annals of Operations Research, 240(2), 509-531.
20. Chen R., L. Yang, W. Wang, L. Tang, 2015. Discovering the Impact of Systemic and Idiosyncratic Risk Factors on Credit Spread of Corporate Bond within the Framework of Intelligent Knowledge Management. Annals of Operations Research, 234(1), 1-13.
21. Yang L., Y. Wang,J. Ma, C.T. Ng* and T.C.E. Cheng,2014. Technology investment under flexible capacity strategy with demand uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 154, 190-197.
22. Yang, L. and C.T., Ng*, 2014. Flexible capacity strategy with multiple market periods under demand uncertainty and investment constraint. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(2), 511-521.
23. Yang, L., C. Dong, C.L.J. Wan and C.T. Ng*, 2013. Electricity time-of-use tariff with consumer behavior consideration. International Journal of Production Economics, 146(2), 406-410.
24. Zhao Y., L. Yang, T.C.E. Cheng, L. Ma and X. Shao, 2013. A value-based approach to option pricing: The case of supply chain options. International Journal of Production Economics, 143(1), 171-177.
25. Yang, L., C.T., Ng* and T.C.E. Cheng, 2011. Optimal Production Strategy under Fluctuating Demands: Technology versus Capacity. European Journal of Operational Research, 214, 393-402.
26. Yang, L., C.T., Ng* and T.C.E. Cheng, 2010. Evaluating the Effects of Distribution Centres on the Performance of Vendor-Managed Inventory Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 201(1), 112-122.
27. Meng, Q.*, W.H.K., Lam and L. Yang, 2008. General Stochastic User Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problem with Link Capacity Constraints. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 42(4), 429-465.
28. Yang, L.* and W.H.K. Lam, 2006. Probit-type Reliability-based Transit Assignment Model. Transportation Research Record-Series, Travel Demand and Land Use 2006, 154-163.

邵婧,杨柳等,2015。企业转型升级中供应链优化的若干理论与方法研究。企业管理出版社。ISBN: 9787516411766。

Liu YANG,2010. Evaluation of Flexible Capacity Strategy under Demand Uncertainties: Formulation, Comparison, Competition. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 3838376625. ASIN: 3838376625. (2010-06-30)

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2020.12 教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(2020),二等奖
2017.8 获得《北京市第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖》一等奖
2017.11 获得《浙江省第十九届哲学社会科学优秀成果“应用理论与对策咨询”类》三等奖
2019 青年教师基本功大赛对外经济贸易大学二等奖
2019 青年教师基本功大赛对外经济贸易大学最佳教案奖
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2016-2017-2t 本科教学《管理学原理》获学院教学前10%
2016-2017-1t 本科教学《管理学原理》获学院教学前10%
2014 商学院科研标兵
2013-2014 商学院本科教学新秀奖
2012 商学院优秀班主任
2011 商学院科研标兵

《International Journal of Shipping, Transportation and Logistics》,Associate Editor.
