


教育背景: 2003-2009 博士,The University of British Columbia,管理科学
2000 – 2002,硕士,天津大学,技术经济与管理
1996 – 2000,学士,天津大学,技术经济

工作经历: 2020 –今,教授, 对外经济贸易大学商学院
2015 –2019,副教授, 对外经济贸易大学商学院
2012 – 2014,讲师, 对外经济贸易大学商学院
2011 – 2012,研究学者,长江商学院
2009 – 2011,博士后,The University of British Columbia
2002 – 2003,物控,北京联想集团

教授课程: 《供应链管理》、《管理理论》、《管理学原理》、《商业伦理》、《新生研讨课》

研究领域: 供应链管理、电子商务、市场营销、运营管理、运输与物流、环境问题、博弈论应用

主要研究项目: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:“双积分政策背景下的新能源汽车供应链决策——基于博弈模型的研究”(2021-202024),主持
6.对外经济贸易大学新进青年教师科研启动项目:“库存共享对离散供应链的影响研究” (2012-2014),主持

主要研究成果: PUBLICATION(学术期刊发表论文)
J. Shao, C. Jiang, Y. Cui, and Y. Tang, A Game-Theoretic Model to Compare Charging Infrastructure Subsidy and Electric Vehicle Subsidy Policies, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice(管理科学A-类期刊SSCI/SCI), 2023, 176: 1-24.
H. Li, J. Shao, and S. X. Zhu, Impacts of power dynamics and gray markets on supply chains, International Journal of Production Economics(管理科学B类期刊SCI), 2020, 222:107488.
X. J. Pu, S. X. Sun, and J. Shao, Direct Selling, Reselling, or AgencySelling?Manufacturer’s Online Distribution Strategies and their Impact, International Journal of Electronic Commerce(管理科学B类期刊SSCI/SCI), 2020, 24(2):232-254.
J. Shao,H. Yang,and A. Zhang,Adoption of Electric Vehicles:Manufacturers’ Incentive and Government Policy,Journal of Transport Economics and Policy(管理科学B类期刊SSCI/SCI),2019,53(2):175–198.
H. Li,J. Shao,and S.X. Zhu,Parallel Importation in a Supply Chain: The Impact of Gray Market Structure,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review(管理科学B类期刊SSCI/SCI),2018,114:220-241.
Y. Zhao,J. Nie,and J. Shao,Business Strategy Analysis for an Advertising Service Supply Chain: AStudy with the Publication Industry,Journal of the Operational Research Society(管理科学B类期刊SSCI/SCI),2017,68:1512–1520.
J. Shao,H. Krishnan,and S. T. McCormick,Gray Markets and Supply Chain Incentives, Production and Operations Management(UTD24管理科学A类期刊SSCI/SCI), 2016, 25(11): 1807–1819.
J. Shao,H. Yang,X. Xing,and L.Yang,E-Commerce and Traffic Congestion: An Economic and Policy Analysis,Transportation Research Part B: Methodological(管理科学A类期刊SSCI/SCI),2016,83:91-103.
邵婧,两层级分散决策供应链库存转运问题研究,《中国管理科学》,2016,24(1): 76-81.
J. Shao,H. Krishnan,and S. T. McCormick,Price Incentives and Coordination in a Two-Product Decentralized Supply Chain,Decision Sciences (管理科学B类期刊SSCI),2014,45(3):507-533.
J. Shao,H. Krishnan,and S. T. McCormick,Distributing a Product Line in a Decentralized Supply Chain,Production and Operations Management(UTD24管理科学A类期刊SSCI/SCI),2013,22(1):151-163.
J. Shao,H. Krishnan,and S. T. McCormick,Incentives for Transshipment in a Supply Chain with Decentralized Retailers,Manufacturing & Service Operations Management(UTD24管理科学A类期刊SSCI/SCI),2011,13(3):361-372.

J. Shao, L. Yang, “Supply Chain Optimization in Transformation and Upgrading of Enterprises: Theories and Methodology”《企业转型升级中供应链优化的若干理论与方法研究》,企业管理出版社,ISBN: 9787516411766.

“Adoption of Electric Vehicles:Manufacturers’ Incentive and Government Policy”
• Workshop on Transportation Research, UIBE, Beijing, October 2018
• Brookings Tsinghua Center Conference, Beijing,September 2018
• CSAMSE Conference, Ningbo, July 2018
“E-Commerce and Traffic Congestion: An Economic and Policy Analysis”
• CSAMSE Conference, Guangzhou, July 2017
• POMS HK, Macao, January 2016
“Transshipping to the Gray Market: the Impact on a Decentralized Supply Chain”
• CSAMSE Conference, Beijing, June 2013
• INFORMS International Meeting, Beijing, June 2012
• POMS Annual Conference, Vancouver, May 2010
• CORS-INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, June 2009
“Incentives for Transshipment in Decentralized Supply Chains with Competing Retailers”
• INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., October 2008
• OPLOG Division Seminar, Sauder School of Business, UBC, September 2008
• MSOM Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, June 2008
“Distributing a Product Line in a Decentralized Supply Chain”
• OPLOG Division Seminar, Sauder School of Business, UBC, March 2008
• MSOM Conference, Tsinghua University, Beijing, June 2007

Jing Shao, Xiaofang Wang, Harish Krishnan, and Yu Tang, The Electric Vehicle Mandates, under review
Hai Li, Jing Shao, and Yanfeng Wang, Business Model Selection in Competition with the E-platform’s Store Brand under Various Channel Price Leadership, under review
Jing Shao, Peng Wang, Liping Liang, and YananHuo, Multi-Channel Retailing and Consumers’ Environmental Consciousness, under review


《Production and Operations Management》,《IIE Transactions》,《European Journal of Operational Research》,《Naval Research Logistics》,《Decision Sciences》,《International Journal of Production Economics》,《Transportation Research Part E》,《OMEGA》,《Annals of Operations Research》等匿名评审
