


教育背景: 哲学博士,09/2001 - 07/2006
论文题目:Supply Chain Strategy and practices: An exploratory study

硕士,09/1998 - 08/2001

学士,09/1994 - 07/1998

工作经历: 2010 – 至今,副教授、院长助理,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院
2006 – 2009,讲师,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院
《Journal of Operations Management》编委
《Supply Chain Management: An International Journal》、《Decision Sciences》 《International Journal of Production Economics》等匿名评审

教授课程: 本科生课程
 《供应链管理》,对外经济贸易大学,(2006 – 至今)
 《运营管理》,对外经济贸易大学,(2008 – 至今)
 《研究方法和论文写作》,对外经济贸易大学,(2008/09 – 2009/01)
 《社会研究方法论》,对外经济贸易大学,(2009 – 至今)
 《供应链管理》,MBA,对外经济贸易大学,(2007 – 至今)
 《运营管理》,MBA,对外经济贸易大学,(2010 – 至今)
 《企业决策模拟》,IMBA,对外经济贸易大学,(2007 – 2009)
 《Operations Management》,IMBA,对外经济贸易大学,(2009 – 至今)
 《管理理论》,博士生,对外经济贸易大学,(2007 – 至今)
 《国际物流》,硕士生,对外经济贸易大学,(2007/03 – 2007/07;2009/03 – 2009/07)
 《管理研究方法》,硕士生,对外经济贸易大学,(2011 – 至今)

研究领域: 运营管理、供应链管理、战略管理

主要研究项目: 科研项目:
1. 主持“211工程”三期重点学科建设项目课题《供应商能力的评价与提高:供应链学习机制的探索及应用》,73200033,(2009 - 2011)

2. 主持国家自然基金项目《EPR与管理会计和控制系统的互补性及其业绩影响》, 71002005,(2010 - 2012)

3. 参与国家自然基金项目《转轨经济下中外合资企业控制权动态演进与绩效的关系研究》,(2009 - 2011)

1. 国家自然科学基金(2010 - 2012)

2. “211工程”三期重点学科基金(2009 - 2011)

3. 对外经济贸易大学研究生课程建设基金(2008 - 2010)

主要研究成果: 一、 学术期刊文章
1. Zhang, M., Qi, Y. and Zhao, X., 2011, “The Impact of Mass Customisation Practices on Performances: An Exploratory Study of Chinese Manufacturers”, International Journal of Mass Customization, Vol. 4, No. 1/2, pp. 44-66
2. Qi, Y., Zhao, X., and Sheu, C., 2011, “The Impact of Competitive Strategy and Supply Chain Strategy on Business Performance: The Role of Environmental Uncertainty”, Decision Sciences, 42(2), pp. 371-389
3. Qi, Y. and Zhang, M., 2010, “The Impact Of Manufacturing Strategy On Mass Customization: Moderating Effect Of Environmental Uncertainty”, International Journal of Decision Sciences, 1(2), pp. 113-133
4. Qi, Y., Boyer, K., and Zhao, X., 2009, “Supply Chain Strategy, Product Characteristics and Performance Impact: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturers”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp.667-695
5. Qi, Y., Sum, C.C., and Zhao, X., 2009, “Simultaneous effects of functional involvement and improvement programs on manufacturing and financial performance in Chinese firms”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp. 636-662
6. Zhao, X., Sum, C.C., Qi, Y., Zhang, H. and Lee, T.S., 2006, “A taxonomy of manufacturing strategies in China”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 24, pp. 621-636
7. 戚依南、李自杰、肖雯娟,中国企业管理创新的最新进展,《中国工业经济》,2012,第4期
8. 戚依南、张晓娣, 供应链管理实践对企业绩效的影响,《中国管理科学》, 2009年, 第16卷专辑
9. 张慧颖,朱德志,赵先德,戚依南,李天生,环境不确定性与企业运作策略相互关系的实证分析,《中国管理科学》,2002年,第10卷专辑
10. 刘海虹,戚依南,刘伯莹,利用ASP页面实现文本数据的数据库导入,《工业控制计算机》,2001年,第14卷第 1期

二、 会议论文集(正式出版的)
1. Qi, Y. and Zhang, M., “The impact of social learning on mass customization capability”, Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Service Science, Wuhan, China, 2010
2. Qi, Y. and Zhang, M., “Impact of Structure Flatness on Mass Customization: Mediating Role of Supply Chain Planning and Corporation Coordination”, Proceedings of International Conference on Management Sciences and Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 2010
3. Qi, Y. and Chu, Z.F., “The impact of supply chain strategies on supply chain integration”, 2009 International conference on management science and engineering 16th annual conference proceedings (IEEE主办), Moscow, Russia, 2009
4. Wang, Z., Qi, Y., and Huo, B., “Developing operations strategies in the supply chain context”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Wuhan, China, 2009
5. Qi, Y., Zhang, M., and Zhao, X., “Complementary Implementation of Mass Customization Practices: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturers”, The proceeding of 39th annual meeting of Decision Sciences Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Nov. 22-25, 2008
6. Qi, Y., Zhang, M., and Zhao, X., “The Impact of Strategic Configurations on Mass Customization Adoption”, The proceeding of 13th annual conference of APDSI in Brisbane, Australia, July 2-5, 2008
7. Qi, Y., Zhao, X. and Sheu, C., “Lean, Agile, and Leagile Supply Chain: A Cumulative Model”, The proceeding of 12th annual conference of APDSI and 9th international DSI in Bangkok, Thailand, July 12-15, 2007
8. Qi, Y., Zhao, X., and Sheu, C., “Aligning supply chain strategy with competitive strategy: Evidence from Chinese manufacturers”, The proceeding of Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA, August 3-8, 2007
9. Qi, Y. and Zhao, X., “Product characteristics, supply chain strategy, and firm performance: An exploratory analysis”, The proceeding of 37th annual meeting of Decision Sciences Institute in San Antonio, USA, November 18-21, 2006
10. Qi, Y. and Zhao, X., “Moderating effect of environmental uncertainty on supply chain strategy formulation and implementation”, The proceeding of 11th annual conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute in Hong Kong, June 14-18, 2006.
11. Qi, Y, Zhao, X. and Yeung, H.Y.J., “Lean and agile practices in supply chain management: a critical review”, The proceeding of 35th annual meeting of Decision Sciences Institute in Boston, USA, November 20-24, 2004
12. Qi, Y., Zhao, X. and Lee, T.S., “The Impact of Operations Priorities on Business Performance: An Empirical Study in China”, The proceeding of 7th Asia Pacific annual meeting of Decision Sciences Institute in Shanghai, China, July 2-5, 2003
13. Zhao, X., Sum, C.C., Lee, T. S., Zhang, H. and Qi, Y. “A taxonomy of Operation Priorities in China”. The Second International Conference on Electronic Business in Taipei, December 11-13, 2002

三、 工作论文
1. Qi, Y., Huo, B. and Wang, Z., “Developing operations strategies in the supply chain context”, Polishing stage.
2. Huo, B., Qi, Y., and Wang, Z., “Strategic Antecedents of Supply Chain Integration and Performance: Evidence from China”, Polishing stage
3. Zhang, M., Qi, Y., Zhao, X., and Duray, R., “Achieve higher financial performance through complementary assets of mass customization”, Polishing stage.
4. Qi, Y. and Zhang, M., “Performance Impact of Supply Chain Strategy and Mass Customization Practices: Evidence from China”, Polishing stage.
5. Wang, Z., Huo, B., Qi, Y. and Zhao, X., “Enablers of supplier integration and supply chain innovation: A resource-based view”, Polishing stage.
6. Eckerd, S., Boyer, K., and Qi, Y., “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Transactional Psychological Contract Violations”, Polishing stage.
7. Marne, L.A., David, R.K., Zhao, X. and Qi, Y., “Managing environmental dynamism in china: firm conduct as a mediator of the effects of uncertainty on performance”, Polishing Stage
8. Qi,Y., Shen, L., and Han, Y., “Which culture matters: National or Facility? An Investigation of Moderating effect of culture on innovation investment efficiency”, Writing stage
9. Qi, Y., Shen, L., and Han, Y., “Make supply chain innovation success: The mediating role of firm’s cognitive capital on the influence of supply chain integration on innovation”

1. “香港中文大学研究生最佳毕业成果奖”,2006年,香港中文大学授予
2. “香港中文大学最佳研究生毕业论文奖”,2006年,香港中文大学授予
