6月8日,史蒂夫•霍夫曼(Steven Hoffman)
发布时间:2017-06-01 发布人:fyy 点击数:912

活动预告 | MBA/EMBA/MPAcc 管理论坛:全球视野系列讲座系列三

Innovation & Inspiration Steven Hoffman


注:本次为全英文讲座 (English guest lecture)



他是硅谷知名孵化器Founders Space初创人。


他创办的Founders Space曾入选《公司》杂志全球十大孵化器榜单;在《福布斯》杂志2015海外创业团队来硅谷不可错过的7个领导加速器评选中,名列第一。







In Silicon Valley, he is known as Captain Hoff.

He’s the Captain and Chairman of Founders Space, which has become one of the top startup accelerators in the world with over 50 partners in 22 countries, and which was listed for the first place of top 10 Global Accelerators by Entrepreneur Magzine and 7 Leading Accelerators for Overseas Startups Coming to Silicon Valley by Forbes Magazine.

He has trained hundreds of startup founders and corporate executives in the art of innovation and routinely works with the world’s largest global corporations and venture funds. He’s also an LP in August Capital.

He has tried more professions than cats have lives, including serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, angel investor, mobile studio head, computer engineer, filmmaker, Hollywood TV exec, published author, coder, game designer, manga rewriter, animator and voice actor.


On June 8th, He, Steven Hoffman, will visit UIBE and bring a guest lecture on innovation and inspiration.


活动时间TIME 6818:30 – 20:00  (June 8th

活动地点 ADD.科研楼403教室  (Room 403, Keyan Lou, UIBE)

演讲嘉宾 SPEAKER史蒂夫·霍夫曼 (Steven Hoffman)


l  How to create, manage and inspire innovation teams.

l  The talk will go in-depth on how to foster a culture of innovation, design communication, and develop breakthrough products.

