6月15日,Tailan Chi(池太岚)教授
发布时间:2017-06-13 发布人:fyy 点击数:1728


What Top-Tier IB and Strategy Journals Expect from a Manuscript and How One May Strive to Meet the Expectations?

Tailan Chi池太岚)教授



讲座人简介Tailan Chi is a Professor of International Business & Strategy and holds Carl A. Scupin Professorship at University of Kansas Business School. He received his B.E. from the University of International Business & Economics, Beijing, China, his M.B.A. from University of San Francisco, and his M.A. in economics and Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Washington.

His research conducts economic analysis under the constraints of information imperfections and potential cognitive biases and applies this approach to the study of international business. His current projects examine, inter alia, alternative motives for the formation of joint ventures, interfirm collaborations as dynamic games under uncertainty, and drivers of acquisitions by emerging economy firms in developed economies. He has published in journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business, Decision Sciences, and IIE Transactions. He has co-authored a major textbook, International Business (3rd ed., Routledge), with OdedShenkar and Yadong Luo.

He is an Area Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies, and serves on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management, and Journal of International Business & Economics. He is an elected Fellow of the Academy of International Business and a member of Academy of Management, and Strategic Management Society.

He has taught a large variety of international business courses at the undergraduate, MBA and doctoral levels. His main teaching interests include the global regime of international business, international business strategy, and business in China.

He worked as a business negotiator for a major Chinese trading company before coming to the United States. He has advised companies in the U.S. on doing business in China and Pacific Asia.
