6月17日,Shuili Du 副教授(新罕布什尔大学)
发布时间:2021-06-11 发布人:fyy 点击数:13581



The Socially Irresponsible Side of Data Breach: Can Corporate Social Responsibility Shield the Breached Firm?


演讲人:Shuili Du,Journal of Business Ethics专业主编,University of New Hampshire





Shuili Du,University of New Hampshire副教授。杜教授的研究兴趣是企业社会责任,利益相关者关系,可持续新产品创新。她的研究发表在Journal of Consumer Research, Management Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Marketing LettersJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Harvard Business Review等高水平学术和专业期刊上。她的研究在企业社会责任领域有很高的学术影响力,Google学术引用超过6,200次,获得美国福布莱特项目Fulbright Distinguished Chair (2019-2020)。杜教授目前担任FT50期刊Journal of Business Ethics的专业主编。



Data breaches are increasingly common, yet prior research only yields inconclusive results on how the market reacts to breaches. This study employs causal attribution theory and its four dimensions (severity, locus of causality, controllability, and stability) as an overarching framework to identify and categorize the contextual characteristics of a data breach that underlie investors’ attributions, and we investigate how corporate social responsibility (CSR) influences investor reaction to the breached firm. Using panel data, we find that the market reacts more negatively if a breach incident is more severe or occurs at a firm that consistently demonstrates irresponsible behaviors. In contrast, the market reaction is less negative when a breach occurs at a firm that has high CSR performance. CSR also attenuates the negative effects of breach characteristics (severity and stability) on the market value of the breached firm. This research highlights the importance of examining contextual characteristics of a breach and the role of CSR as an insurance policy to mitigate the negative impacts of breaches.


