Undergraduate Program
Full-time Postgraduate Program
Doctoral Program
Executive Master of Business”­
Master of Business Administration”­
Executive Development Program (EDP)
International Undergraduate and”­
International MBA Programs
Sino-US EMBA Program
Sino-France MBA Program
Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate programs are designed to improve the students' capabilities in self-learning, self- improvement and problem solving. It focuses on training the students' basic skills and building integrated knowledge structures. With an emphasis on problem solving, the curriculum includes the general foundations, specialized foundations and specialized electives.

The undergraduate programs consist of five subject areas as follows:

1. Business Administration

This program aims at training competent business administration talents with innovative spirit and international vision, who can meet the needs of various business organizations.

2. Human Resource Management

This program aims at training competent business administration talents, with human resource management orientation, who can meet the needs of various business organizations.

3. Marketing

This program aims at training business talents, with marketing or marketing management orientation, who can meet the needs of various businesses in the global marketing field.

4. Accounting (including ACCA and CGA Concentrations)

This program aims at training professional business talents, with knowledge of accounting, auditing, financial management and business administration, who can meet the needs of relevant businesses.

5. Financial Management

This program aims at training professional business talents, with knowledge of financial management, accounting, finance and business administration, who can meet the needs of relevant businesses.