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UIBE team won the first prize of the first CMAU Market Research and Business Planning Competition for College Students

The closing ceremony of the first CMAU Market Research and Business Planning Competition for College Students was successfully held on November 19th. UIBE team competed fiercely with Peking University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, Nankai University and other universities all over the country. In the end, our team won the first prize of the competition, and faculty member Dalu Fang won the award of outstanding instructor.

The CMAU Market Research and Business Planning Competition for College Students is co-sponsored by the Marketing Research Association of China Universities and Credamo. It aims to improve college students' ability of market research and business planning, and provide a platform for faculty and students to develop educational practice and skills.

The competition is supported by China MBA Education Network, cnr.cn and other medias. Through direct contact with the market research industry, we can have an in-depth understanding of the development status and actual needs of the market research industry by enterprise proposition, industry guidance, industry expert review and other ways. Through the competition, students are trained to participate in the enterprise market research and business planning of professional technology and practical ability, which will lay a good foundation for their future personal employments and career developments.

Since the competition was launched in May this year, the total number of applicants reached 22,288 with a total number of participating colleges and universities more than 500, covering 32 provinces and cities, autonomous regions, municipalities, receiving a total of more than 40 well-known enterprises at home and abroad which provided more than 50 enterprise propositions, the content involves catering, food, clothing and other industries. After intense competition in school and regional competitions, 79 projects stood out from more than 1700 projects reach to the finals, and 40 teams entered the defense section.

There are five undergraduate students included in the UIBE team: Baoni Chen (Matketing), Yuxiao Hu (Marketing), Yijun Ning (Marketing), Shuge Hu (Corporate Finance) and Zhengqi Liu (International Political), and invited assistant professor of marketing department of Business School Dalu Fang as the instructor.

From September to November 2022, the team successively held the title of "Lovely Baby Duck: How to bring Quanjude into the hearts of young people" and "Investigation on channel layout and operation effect of lubricating oil brands (state, foreign and private) in county market" to carry out questionnaire distribution, data collection, survey design, marketing planning, and completed the writing and submission of market research and business planning reports under the guidance of Dalu Fang. After going through the expert review and online defense, the team won the first prize in the northern area, entered the national finals successfully, and obtained the defense qualification with a huge advantage.

On November 19th, UIBE team report in the way of public defense, and the competition review committee scored it online to determine the ranking of awards. Finally, our team won the first prize of the national finals by winning the first in the written review and the fourth in the defense review.